Image: @flowhive
Flow Hive Taster
- An Introduction To Keeping Bees In Your Backyard
Saturday 6th of June, 10am - 12pm
Do you want to learn about getting started with beekeeping? Have you heard about Flow Hives and wondered what they’re all about? Ever thought about having a bee hive in your garden? The Flow Hive Taster Workshop immerses you into the enchanting world of bees with an engaging presentation in the Farm House, followed by a hands-on experience as we inspect a beehive in the apiary, and enjoy the delicious taste of some fresh honey extracted straight from the hive.
$65 + booking fees
The 2 hour Flow Hive Taster workshop will introduce you to keeping bees & show you how easy, fun and enchanting it is to have your very own Flow Hive right in your backyard.
Are you new to the world of bees, and want to learn?
Ever thought about having a beehive in your garden, or are curious about getting your own hive & keeping honey bees in your backyard?
Have you heard about Flow Hives and wondered what they’re all about?
Does a fresh homegrown honey supply sound appealing?
Would you like to see bees in your garden pollenating your veges and fruit trees, and enjoy the increased yield?
The workshop begins with a presentation on the fascinating hidden world of bees delivered in the Farm House. We look at the diverse stages of bee behaviour and beekeeping up close, compare different types of hives, talk about how to set up your new hive and fill it with bees, and discuss the advantages of harvesting honey with the Flow Hive system.
After this intriguing presentation get yourself suited up in the supplied protective gear as we go out to the Farm Flow Hive apiary (bee yard), and there enjoy a Flow honey harvest where we savour the wonderful taste of fresh honey extracted straight from the hive! Then engage in a fully hands-on experience as we open and inspect a working honey bee colony! We gently pull frames from the nest and locate honey and pollen, identify male and female bees, spot the different stages of brood, and find the queen, as well as talking about everything you need to get started and answering any beekeeping questions you have along the way.
Topics covered:
Bee life cycles & behaviour
What bees eat & how they make honey
What’s inside the hive
Parts of a beehive
Setting up your Flow Hive
Where to situate your hive
How to source your bees
Harvesting with the Flow Hive
Pests & Diseases
Further beekeeping resources
Lighting your smoker
What to look for in the brood nest
Guaranteed to leave you buzzing!
The Farm House & The Farm Flow™ Apiary at The Farm Byron Bay
11 Ewingsdale Rd, Ewingsdale NSW 2481.
10am to 12pm
What To Bring?
Hat, sunscreen, closed shoes, (preferably work boots), pen and notebook should you like to take notes (not essential). Please wear clothing suitable for wearing underneath a bee suit – ie shorts/pants and a shirt/top – dresses/skirts not recommended
Pete Wilkins